Monday, June 12, 2006

#53 - You belong in the Zoo

So yesterday My wife and I took our kids to the zoo. My sister Jennifer and my nephew Michael came as well. Overall it was the perfect day to go. The weather was nice, the animals where frolicking. My sis was super nice and bought the kids a round on the pony ride each so there are plenty of pictures to come shortly.

Anyway i guess im starting to make some good progress on this list of mine.

Cheers for now!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Arg.. My EYES!!!

Ok so Thursday June the 8th at 9:30am found me downtown Toronto lying on a bed having some dude slice my eyeballs open and shoot laser beams into them. Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie? Nope.. try Lasik MD laser vision correction. The procedure went something like this.

I showed up and they tested my eyes again to make sure they had the prescription down.. then they apply some numbing eye drops. Once the eye drops take affect I lay down on this bed and they tape one eye shut and the other eye open. Just to make sure i dont try and close my eye they also slide in these metal claw like things which hurt like hell. They take this suction ring called a Keratome and put that on the surface of your eye and activate the suction which causes you to go temporarly blind due to the presure it puts on the eye. This device makes the eye rigid so they can cut it.

After that they turn on the blade which makes a buzzing noise and slide it over the eye sending vibrations through the eyeball. Then they peel back the corneal flap and begin lasering the eye. The laser is really loud and reeks like burning hair. The laser stage takes about a min per eye. After that they replace the corneal flap, squeegy the eye and then repeat on the other eye.

Overall the procedure took about 10 min and i could see pretty well right away. 24 hours later i have 20/25 vision (anything worse then 20/40 and you cant legally drive). Over the next few weeks they say my vision should increase to 20/20 or better.

I would totally recommend this procedure to everyone who can benefit from it, or anyone who personally enjoys the smell of burning hair.

#52 - Texas Holdem

So May 27th a bunch of us got together to watch the UFC 60 fight and we decided to kill two birds with one stone and turned it into a poker night as well. After 3 rounds and $15 later I figure i know how to play Texas Holdem no limit poker. What a fun game... sure i suck but i still broke even for the night.. good thing i can pick a winner in a fight match up.

To make sure i knew what i was doing we played some more last night and i actually came out on top. So i think its safe to say i can cross this puppy off the list.

#31 - Suduko

So I finished one of these puzzles. Took me 1 hour and 40 min. Now im straight up addicted.. I have to admit once I talked to a few of my friends about these things there is faster ways of getting it done and I can now generally complete one in under 25 min. Im no genius yet but I can feel my brain growing with every puzzle I complete. Soon I will take over the world!!!!

Oh I usually do the puzzles in the newspaper however if you are interested you can try these.