Wednesday, May 17, 2006

#82 - Mechassault

Well.. I finished MechAssault 2 Lone wolf for the xbox. I have to say the game was pretty good. I enjoyed it alot. It took just over a month or so to beat it. As you can see I dont have a lot of free time to play but it sure feels good to have finally finished one of the many many games I have shelved. Next I think ill pick another and keep going.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Wow.. where does the time go

So Scott came by and kidnapped my Trees from the backyard.. so things are shaping up back there. Steve, Mandy, Scott, Mike, Allison and myself went to Canada's Wonderland last Saturday and that was a blast. Cold as hell though.. wait.. hell is hot... so cold as November would be more accurate.. I swear it was like 5 degrees and i wouldnt have been surprised to see snow. Despite the weather though we made the best of it and enjoyed our selves.

I have decided to postpone my Lasik eye surgery for 2 weeks to accomodate X-men 3, and Nancy and Dave's wedding. I have a feeling putting eye drops in every 15 min might ruin both events for me. So June 8th is the new date.

Ive also been working on multiple items on my 101 list however nothing has been completed lately. Ill keep you all informed.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

# 92

Well those damn chairs are fixed. No more baby chairs running around MY place thats for sure!